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[REL] eMule 0.50a - Beta 3

Aperto da Lucarella, 31 Marzo 2010, 19:36:03

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     Rilasciato eMule 0.50a BETA 3

Citazione- Mar, 28. 2010 -
.: Keyboard shortcuts to switch the dialog work again in the transfer dialog
.: Fixed a small visual glitch in the tooltips of the webinterface
.: Fixed a issue regarding eMule deceiding if to trust an AICH hash on files which have no verified AICH has [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS]
.: Fixed minor issues with the exit commandline command and the multiple instances option [tHeWiZaRdOfDoS, leuk_he]

- Mar, 23. 2010 -
.: Fixed ed2k links not containing the AICH hash on several locations (ctrl+c, webserver, etc)
.: Fixed further bugs leading to crashes or glitches in the new toolbar
.: Fixed a possible crash problem with the new Win7 features
.: The Beta versioncheck will now point to a seperate website instead the standard versioncheck (which doesn't works for betas)

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Link ed2k

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Link ed2k


essendo questa una versione beta, se ne sconsiglia l'uso a chi non gradisce dei possibili crash improvvisi.Le versioni beta vanno utilizzate a scopo sperimentale e,soprattutto,non le installate al posto dell'ultima versione stabile che state usando attualmente